If I ever have the chance I’d love to wear the rubber suit and stomp all over a minature Tokyo. Just think, I could be a star in a poorly dubbed B Movie. Better yet, I could be a star in some Kung-Fu flick.
And if you are really curious what the real story is, here is a little tease for you:
TOKYO – Japan’s capital has a 90 percent chance of being devastated by a major earthquake some time in the next 50 years, according to a study by a government panel.
The study, released earlier this week, marked the latest attempt by scientists to address one of this quake-prone country’s most pressing concerns: when the next “Big One” would level one of the world’s most densely populated cities.
Tokyo was last hit by a destructive quake in 1923 that toppled buildings, set the city aflame and killed at least 140,000 people — and experts warn it’s overdue for another.
Use the link above for the full story.
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