Off the top of my head I have approximately 24 different email addresses. They come from my office, university, fraternity, Gmail, Yahoo! and a couple of different organizations I belong to.
I have DSL at home and as part of the package they provide 11 email addresses. I have around three that I use consistently. One is strictly business. One is for newsletters that I enjoy reading. I don’t care if they sell my address because it serves a very basic function and I can tear through it in a hurry.
Beyond that I usually take advantage of the other email opportunitie because I figure, why not. You never know what you might need them for. It is the Costco influence, buy in bulk.
In any case, out of the 24 or so I can say that I consistently use about 8. Eventually when I receive enough spam I’ll rotate the old ones out and bring the newer addresses into play.
The nice thing is that they don’t take up much space in my house.
Being the anal retentive person that I am – I only have 2 well actually 3, okay, make it 4… but I can explain.
1 of my email address is for school – and I have all my email forwarded to my regular account.
1 is for work and strictly for work. I dont give the address out or use it for anything else. I get enough email at work that I dont need the box filling up with spam. I dont have enough space as it is…
1 is my regular email address @hotmail. But thanks to PICCADILLY I now have a gmail account… so I am in the process of changing everything over.
So technically only 2. Yeah that sounds good 😛
“Stumbled upon it” is a good description.
I have a whole bunch myself, half of which I don’t even remember having, until I accidentally stumble upon them.