The Train set
My son has a train set that he loves, if it is not his most prized possession it is right up there.
He spends hours building tracks and running the trains around it. I love watching him play because I see the joy that it brings him and I am amazed at how a 3.5 year-old can be so proficient at constructing a professional looking train track. Sorry, had to kvell a little there.
The one problem with this is that he prefers to use the floor of his room to his train table as it gives him a larger area to work in. The issue is that this means that there are numerous obstacles in the dark that can hurt your feet or be broken.
I have tried to explain to him that leaving the trains on the floor is a recipe for trouble, but he refuses to accept it and I have backed off.
Primarily because I am so happy that he is so proud of his work. I cannot help but take pleasure in the joy he expresses as he plays. I come home from work and he tells me to change because “we are going to play trains and we have lots of work to do.”
Two nights ago I entered his room to kiss him goodnight and there was a sharp crack. In the dark I had stepped upon a bridge and broken it. His face was a combination of anger and sadness. He yelled “that is not nice” and began to cry.
That hurt as much as any punch or injury I have ever taken. I apologized and tried to make him feel better and I think that he did. But that didn’t fix the little red bridge or the spot in which I was wounded.
Both of us will be fine and there will be a new bridge soon. And life will continue, but it was a good reminder that although he may be little, some things are very important to him and deserve the same respect that we ask he give to other people’s possessions.
SelenaJ September 26, 2004 at 3:39 am
My kids also love thomas, my son is totally obsessed. He is only two so we started out with take along thomas, they are slightly smaller trains that are made of die-cast and have magnets at each end just like the wooden ones. All the sets are portable and fold up with the track pieces inside. The trains range in price from 4.99 to 7.99 and the sets cost 14.99 to 49.99 at target. We have several of the sets and they are well made and have lasted. My son will be three soon and has had them since he turned two and still plays with them every single day.
Jack's Shack September 26, 2004 at 12:51 am
It is great toy and somethng that he really loves. But it does get costly at times.
mquest September 25, 2004 at 5:23 am
We are just starting on the train hobby. My son just plays with the Thomas Trains and is not impressed with the track. I have a sinking feeling that the train hobby is going to get expensive as he gets older..