I wish that I was an expert

I have a very broad base of knowledge. I know a little about many things and a lot about a few things. Sometimes I think that the real reason for living to be a thousand is to have the time to be an expert in many fields.

I’d like to be an expert in medicine, history, politics, sports and love. And then within these categories I could find subsets to be an expert on too.

The genesis of this idea is stuck in my search for the perfect livelihood. What can I do that will provide for my family that will not be considered work. What is it that makes my heart sing and offers satisfaction. Some of the things that I have played around with doing include:



College Professor

Camp Director





Lobster Fisherman


Game Show/Talk Show Host

Thus far in my life I have worked as a:

CPR/First Aid Instructor

Camp Counselor

Camping Expert

Teacher- I taught Hebrew School and worked as a coach and subistitute teacher at an Orthodox Boys High School

Salesman (I have sold copiers, advertising, sunglasses and candy)

Youth Director

Marketing Manager


I am 35 and I am not sure if I’ll ever figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I know that I don’t want to be old and stuffy, but I am working on becoming a curmudgeon because it is fun.

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  1. Grace October 16, 2004 at 11:28 pm

    Gadfly? eee gads, what is that?

    you are writer

  2. Jack's Shack October 14, 2004 at 7:13 pm


    Being paid to be a professional blogger is probably right up there with things that I would really love to do.

    It would be outstanding, with a laptop and a connection I could blog from anywhere. The thought really makes me smile.

  3. HasidicG October 14, 2004 at 6:38 pm

    You forgot blogger, and in this world, that seems to be an ever more influencial profession all the time…

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