Mighty Post- A roundup of all that has gone on since May

Call me crazy, call me nuts, but don’t call me Shirley. And definitely don’t call me late for dinner. Brian’s weekly roundup has got me playing around with the idea of constructing “Mighty Post” a roundup of all that has taken place since May.

If I do something like that I probably should wait until December, but that is what people would expect me to do. And lord knows I love doing the unexpected, the unconventional and the unsomething or other. (This last line was brought to you by 7-UP, the UN-Cola haahaha).

So here is a quick warm up. Cue the sentimental music and roll tape:


My first Post about the Lakers. I get choked up when I see this and think of how much my blog has grown.

From there we went right into what I called Islam and the Modern World and a post about Death.

These were followed by thoughts on work, life and articles that I found interesting. June began with an article on Inner Genius that no longer exists online so you’ll have to take my word on it being very cool.

It continued with articles dealing with science and technology, Reagan’s death, more thoughts about life, the Lakers, thoughts about war, an opinion piece by Dennis Prager and basically ended with a longer rendition of thoughts on my family, specifically my uncle and grandfather.

July started out with notes on Saddam, stealing a kiss, my rambling on about integrity, more about the countdown to my daughter’s birth, thoughts about Jerusalem, the Lakers, and the news that my father needed surgery and would not be coming home as scheduled.

It basically wrapped up with the news about the birth of my daughter, the impact she had and included odds and ends about this and that.

I think that this is enough for now. Perhaps I’ll take this up again at a later date, but for now I think that I have spent enough time going down memory lane.

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1 Comment

  1. Kris September 18, 2005 at 7:06 pm

    Now this is a great idea, Jack. I had started something similar for my own blog (from the beginning till now), but it was limited to just the titles of my posts. One thing I don’t like about blogger is that it is difficult to browse through previous posts. My best writing isn’t always necessarily found within my last ten posts. So my idea was to create an index that will always be kept within the last ten posts (am i making sense?). I hope you don’t mind if I use this post to springboard from.

    I found your blog last night through Brian’s, and if I may say so, your writing style is just pretty good. I’ve spent entirely too much time on it already. I say “too much” because I should’ve been doing other things (like sleeping or studying). Anyway, I just wanted to compliment you on your writing. Your posts are highly entertaining, and I will certainly be back frequently.

    On a side note, for one of my posts, I modeled a “letter” after Brian’s “Dear Parent” letter, if you happened to read that. I saw you’ve done several of those yourself. At any rate, the recipient of my letter was the public restroom user, and so it was really funny to find your posts that were somewhat similar to mine, but from a vastly different perspective. 🙂

    And now I think I hold the record for the longest comment on your blog. Again, good work–keep it up.

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