Ok, Blogger just ate my last post. Between that and the problems today I am irked. Blogger, I am calling you out. You and me baby, bring your best and hope that I leave your sorry behind with the ability to continue functioning. Grrrrr……………
This evening we engaged in the simple task of trying to bathe two young children. Not real difficult, but time consuming.
My son convinced me to get into the tub with him. I didn’t really want to do it, but in the interest of harmony and a speedier bath I climbed in. Things went along swimmingly until he started to complain about having to wash his hair.
He then made it very clear that he was not pleased with this by urinating in the tub. Good thing that I love him because the shower that followed was very brief and quite efficient.
Nothing like being peed on by a child to make your evening.
Do you have a e-mail? If so, e-mail me at asimplejew@yahoo.com
Thank you, I appreciate it.
This is very funny! I also wanted to let you know that I added a link to your site on my blog.
Yes, in my blog I listed an especially endearing adventure that I participate in nightly with my youngest child who is 5. Its a moving tale of how they are not only little liars, but master manipulators while still staying cute as HELL! Damn you jammie time!
That is an excellent idea and something that I should do more frequently.
Glad that I was able to make you smile.
Favorite line of any blog I’ve read today!:
“He then made it very clear that he was not pleased with this by urinating in the tub. Good thing that I love him because the shower that followed was very brief and quite efficient.”
Great post!
Try copying your post before you send it.
(Highlight text–> right click__>copy)
When Blogger eats a post does it later ‘”just” appear on your Blog?
I have started to type my posts in Open Office and then copying them over to Blogger. If Blogger goes down I only lose the formating and last minute changes.
Ha ha — you gotta love those golden showers, I mean baths.