Allow me to again complain in public that Blogger is eating my soul. My posts are disappearing, my words swallowed by cyberspace. Sometimes they reappear and sometimes they never return. Beyond immense frustration I haven’t a single complaint.
Bloody hell.
(Visited 26 times, 1 visits today)
I should compose in Word or some other medium, but that gives them a break. Debug your programs and this type of extra step is eliminated.
am i lucky? rarely, in fact really rarely. last time i got lucky was——never mind… but maybe i AM a bit, superstitcious Eff da spellin error, too tired to fix) anyhoooo, i always pat the screen and croon gooooood boy as i hit ‘publish’… i’m way too lazy to write it twice, sheeesh. but…. the Unknown Blogger has shown up occasionally paper bag and all, to tip us to the fact that almost always… often enuff to be a fairly safe bet, once ya push that lil ole ‘publish’ button, no matter what the page wants to tell ya, it’s very probably still breathin the ether in yer edit page, as a draft. why yes, that sounds good, bring on the pitcher of draft! mucho smoochos and a nearly inaudible discreet beer belch from Arizona
My greatest posts have been eaten by Blogger….really!
Seriously, I’ve learned to copy and paste my long posts into word before I upload them.
Are you getting the JAVA: ahskdhsadashashdh
I cannot post..
Blogger is a pain. But, it is free and easy to use.