No, this is not one of those quizzes you find online, if it was it would be something like:
What kind of chewing gum flavor are you?
What kind of car are you?
What kind of tool are you?
What flavor of ice cream are you?
Hey, maybe I should write one of those quizzes. Nah, back to the topic at hand.
If you could be a character from a book or movie who would you be?
Would you be Major Major from Catch-22?
Would you be Frodo from The Lord of the Rings?
How about Holden Caufield from Catcher in the Rye?
Who would you be?
My answers change, but for now I would have to be “The Cat in the Hat.” He is one cool cat and he has so many tricks up his sleeve, might be kind of nice to try him on for size.
Daisy from The Great Gatsby.
I’d want to be cool like Han Solo, but I’m actually dorky, like Luke Skywalker