How To Build More Traffic to Your Blog
- Run around cyberspace and insult everyone you come in contact with on their blogs.
- Come back to your blog and insult them some more in the hope that they will come and visit.
- Post banner ads promoting your site as a resource for free sex, viagra and penis enlargement.
- Hire an African Elephant to march through Manhattan with a sign promoting your blog.
- Tell people that if they sign a petition on your Blog Bush will be recalled.
- Tell people that if they sign a petition on your Blog gay marriage will be abolished.
- Send press releases to major media groups announcing your new reality TV show about a person and their blog.
- Create a virus that forces computers to make your blog their homepage. Not legal, but it could be very effective.
- Hire DovBear to create a P.R. campaign for your blog.
- Ignore dumb and idiotic lists like this one.
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Bright Spot May 27, 2006 at 5:19 am
I’m getting desperate, I think I might try a few of these….lol!
Irina Tsukerman December 2, 2004 at 6:52 pm
Another way is to comment persistently on people’s blogs until they are intrigued enough to visit your own. Hasn’t worked for me yet, but maybe I just don’t annoy people enough… But I’m optimistic! ; )
mquest December 2, 2004 at 3:17 am
I read about a blog where the owner posts about famous people, events and things– Using common misspellings. His search engine trafic is high.
Anonymous December 2, 2004 at 12:48 am
How about “Adding your blog to”?
(Shameless selfserving plug)
— aryeh
PsychoToddler December 2, 2004 at 12:40 am
Darn, I thought Jason was a regular reader!
supern0va December 1, 2004 at 9:01 pm
Hmmm…you forgot to mention Jason Mulgrew’s technique. Rather than abuse the “next blog” button and leave insults, he strokes your ego by saying:
And then he signs off as “internet quasi-celebrity.”
Perhaps you have already been a victim.
DovBear December 1, 2004 at 8:46 pm
Ok, buddy, I suck at HTML but even I know how to make a link in a post, so how about showing us you do, too, and light up the word “dovbear” in your post above?
Thanks for acknowledging my PR brilliance. Unfortunatly, I am not accepting new clients.
Jack's Shack December 1, 2004 at 8:37 pm
It is a question of content. If you produce interesting and dynamic content you will gain a following. If you don’t it won’t matter how many gimmicks you employ because they are all short term solutions.
Carmi December 1, 2004 at 8:20 pm
Great list! You raise an intersting point: I’ve been seeing a lot of this kind of activity on blogs lately: kitschy posts designed to generate lots of online activity and boost visits to your site – and others, presumably. They’re all very much like the contests radio stations design to maximize listership. You feel silly participating, but you’ll be happy if you win the t-shirt.
At the end of the day, I’m an idealist: I’d like to think that people will log in in increasing numebrs because they love what I write. If they stop visiting my site because I don’t play traffic-boosting games, then perhaps they weren’t the right readers for me in the first place.
Guess that makes me a serious elitist!