My diet is lousy
Right now my diet consists of anything I can get my hands on. Not especially healthy, but a lot of fun. Maybe I should start drinking and smoking too.
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Right now my diet consists of anything I can get my hands on. Not especially healthy, but a lot of fun. Maybe I should start drinking and smoking too.
Dave December 9, 2004 at 11:26 pm
So what’s wrong with drinking? I just came from Japan and the people there drink almost every night, smoke a pack a day, but still live till they’re 80 or 90 years old. I stopped smoking a while back but drinking is definitely still in my program. Just watch your eating and work out habits…
Also, visit my new website at
Have a great one!
vince millay December 9, 2004 at 9:18 pm
Last night after a very delicious dinner at a French bistro, where I had a glass of wine. One glass of wine. And afterwards a cup of coffee. One cup of coffee. And then during the after dinner stroll to Rockefeller Center to see the Tree of Mammon, I smoked a cigarette. One cigarette. Park Ranger, who does not drink alcohol or coffee, and who has never smoked a cigarette, commented on my hedonistic ways. This he did as he was popping a piece of Dutch chocolate from a container he’d purchased at the same deli where I bought the cigarettes.