There are many more than listed here, but these are among my favorites:
PALEMBANG, Indonesia: A landmark bridge in Sumatra is in danger of collapse because too many men are urinating on one of its steel pillars. Surveyors have found that the Ampera bridge in Palembang has begun to lean at an angle and rocks slightly when traffic is heavy. Council spokesman Azmi Lakonisaid: “We are concerned that one of its main support piers has been weakened by urine, as it is a popular spot for locals to relieve themselves.” He added that the acidic fluid’s corrosive forces could lead to the eventual collapse of the bridge.
LONDON: British television watchdogs ruled that a pig which was sexually pleasured on camera by a minor celebrity did not feel degraded by the experience. Dozens of viewers had complained about an episode of a reality television show in which the audience were treated to the sight of Rebecca Loos, the self-proclaimed ex-lover of England football captain David Beckham, stimulating the boar for 10 minutes to produce a flask of semen. An animal charity condemned the scenes as “morbid and sordid” but the broadcasting standards body said the procedure was perfectly normal on a farm. “We don’t believe that the scene was degrading or harmful to the boar,” they ruled.
ZHENGZHOU, China: A Chinese couple raised their only child for 13 years in the belief it was a girl, until a visit to the local hospital alerted them to the fact that he was really a boy with underdeveloped sexual organs. They did not realize anything was wrong until they were baffled by a “reaction in the lower half of his body” whenever he watched pretty women on TV. Doctors concluded he was suffering from a rare disease causing sexual organs to be somewhat hidden from view and performed a successful three-hour operation to correct the problem.
So it would seem.
So Rebecca Loos has stimulated two different pigs…..
OMG — that poor boy. Thank goodness they were able to correct the problem.