For as long as I can remember I have been one of the stronger people I know, physically that is. It has it’s perks and it’s downsides as well. If a friend is moving I can almost guarantee that they are going to telephone me to ask for help.
I have moved more pieces of furniture than I care to think about. From time to time ESPN will show the strong man competitions. I love watching them and often wonder if I could compete. I would really have to start training again. These men are huge and they are incredibly strong, but I think that I could be competitive.
And even if I wasn’t, it would be fun to engage in all these wacky tasks such as:
- Car Lift
- Log lift
- Truck Pull
- Farmers Walk – Tyre Flip Medley
- Barrel Load
- Circle of Strength (boulder holder)
I think that part of why I love rebounding so much is that it is a case of strength and will versus someone else. I know that in my silly fantasy world I would love to use a broadsword and go toe-to-toe in battle with someone else.
But the truth is that all of the aforementioned has been nothing more than an excuse to avoid the topic. Yesterday I broke my daughter’s car seat. I didn’t mean to, it was an accident. We cleaned the cover and after we put it back on I was tightening the straps and I pulled too hard.
It is so irritating. All my life I have broken things because I tugged, hammered, twisted, pulled/pushed too hard. I am not a klutz, but I am a little enthusiastic about fixing things and sometimes I have made the mistake of being too effervescent in my efforts and voila, a problem is born.
In my 20s and 30s I have had fewer of these incidents because I have been more conscientous and careful, but yesterday it happened again. I hate stupid mistakes like this. What a waste.
This is scary! If the pressures of you tugging on a car seat can break it– What happens during a accident? You should box up the seat and send it to some governmental agency and have them look into the design of the car seat.