It is gone now, it was torn out to make room for an addition on the house. I think that I was 20, which means that the tree that was my hideout and secret place has been gone for 16 years now.
I used to climb it daily, rest in it’s branches and use it as a launching pad onto the roof of the house. There was a section in which two branches met perfectly, intersected to form a perfect chair. A seat that I could use for my thinking. A seat that was comfortable and it allowed me enough comfort to sleep, to nap.
It was my sanctuary, my fortress and the place I hid from the world in. My tree is gone now, forever removed from the earth, but eternally burnt upon my mind.
At least you can return to it in your mind.
Yep, it was my very own Giving Tree. We read that story to the children sometimes.
the giving tree….