Dear Jack,
You wrote about a bad date, Chechnya, The Lakers, Mail Order Brides, Medical Bankrupty and George Bush. You also wrote about something called The Curly Shuffle. What is that?
Steve Macdougal
Dear Steve,
Thanks for the quick recap of the week so far. I can’t believe that you are unfamiliar with
The Curly Shuffle, it is unAmerican.
It is a reference to a song about The Three Stooges. I am a big fan of the boys. Hope you enjoyed the tune. It is not as catchy as this tune but it is still fun. Actually I think that there is a certain similarity between the two.
Dear Jack,
I am writing you again and am hopeful that you will not make fun of me on your blog. Why are you so skittish about blogrolling me and why won’t you mention me.
Dear #^#$&&#&%&#%,
I tried to blogroll you but your link didn’t work. So I have to resort to saying that your blog, @$^%$@#$^$ is one of the finest blogs I have ever read. I strongly encourage people to visit #%^^$$@$^$@ and think that if you go to $%@$^@$$%^T@$%$ you will be entranced by it too.
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