I just finished listening to this and have two comments. First, I am so very breathy. What the hell is going on with the loud breathing.
Second, it is always strange to hear your voice replayed for you. Is that really the way I sound. I am not sure that I like it.
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Definitely not nervous, not at all. It is probably from years of working out. You learn to breathe during sets, maybe that is it.
Leave it to the doctor to provide the medical reason for this. 😉
You do sound like you were either really nervous or you just ran up a flight of steps.
Tha first time I heard myself on my husband’s answering machine I got all huffy because I didn’t recognize my own voice and thought another woman was calling him and leaving an affectionate message. Yes I have a short memory and didn’t remember even leaving him the message.
You normally hear your voice through the bones in your skull. A nice, resonant tone. The rest of us have to hear it through the air (except me, I’m at work too).
When I started singing, I hated my voice (probably plenty of others did too). As I got used to it, I started to get more confidence and my singing improved. Now I try to shape the tone of my singing not for how it sounds to me, but to how I predict it will sound to others.
My spoken voice is still horrendous, though.
Can’t listen to your audio blog as I’m at work right now, but I did read your comment. Yes, it’s always odd how we sound when we listen to the playback, but do this: Sing with the playback, and/or harmonize with it — usually a person sounds FABULOUS then…or at least I do! (no modesty here)