I must have spent too much time fantasizing over my Aaron Burr collection because today I got involved in a blogger’s duel, also known as and old fashioned pissing contest. It is not as much fun online as it is on the playground, no kids to physically push you into each other to start the fight, but they children in cyberspace are still there to egg you on.
No need to recount it in vivid detail, so I’ll hit the highlights for you.
Said blogger and I exchange greetings on her turf. She plays peacock, struts her stuff while her pals slap her on the back and tell her how smart she is.
I reply and return to more pressing affairs. Later I try to go back to check and see if there is another reply. Said blogger has banned me, so that she can have the last word.
I enjoy juvenile antics so I move to a different computer, all of 10 feet from the first one and produce another reply. A short time later I return to see if there is a response and there is.
She has taken my post and edited it so that she can insert snide commentary, but she even mentions in the beginning that she has edited it. I submit the affair to the judges and she is ruled my property, I win, I own her. If she was not threatened there would have been no need to edit my post.
What wacky world. And now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
My gut instinct is to go for the throat. Back in the day when I wrestled I would do my best to take the other guy out quickly. Brute strength and force, combined with determintation often made it work.
But I learned that finesse has its place too.
You know you could have your loyal readers attack her ethics for what she is doing to the post. However, I agree with you, ignoring her is the best revenge.
Sorry Dov, that is a big NO. If you don’t know where than you’ll have to stay in suspense. I didn’t give the name or URL intentionally. They don’t get anymore recognition from me.
Come on Jackie. Tell us where to find this!