In the prior thread I wrote about being disappointed with reviewing my blog. I received some very nice feedback and am appreciative of it and instead of responding within the comments thought that I would provide some elaboration on the intial post.
Not unlike many people I am very hard on myself. I have high standards that I try to live up to and I do my best to hit the mark. Sometimes I fail miserably and sometimes I exceed expectations, I am only human.
In my life I have found that many things have come easily to me, but in varying degrees of ease. If we were to use school marks as a way of measuring this you could say that I average a B+ in life. I do well, but there is better. There is always better.
Since so many things have been relatively easy I have at times given in and taken the easier path. Sometimes that is ok but it is not a practice I want to make a habit of. I know that if I made the extra effort I could benefit from it and that it would help me in many areas. But sometimes I just seem to muddle through when I know that I if I only pressed a little harder I could improve things.
I don’t think that it is any different from most people, but I don’t want to be like most people and I don’t want to always settle and sometimes I think that I do because it is the path of least resistance.
So yesterday when I reviewed hundreds of posts it appeared to me that I had settled in a number of places when I didn’t have to and that irked me. I don’t expect every post to wow me or you. I don’t drive myself to constantly be the best but to constantly feel good about what I do. And I felt like I had let myself down here and there.
It is going to happen for one reason or another, there will be things that trip us all up, but I don’t have to accept that or make excuses for it. If I am going to strive to improve than I have to be critical of myself.
Life is about growth and I am still growing.
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