Extra-Large Condoms

There are a plethora of jokes about what size condom to purchase. In my teens I admit to at one time having walked around with a condom in my wallet that was marked Extra-Large (by your’s truly) and have made the odd joke here and there since then.

I also admit to at one time having claimed to have been the model for three different condom manufacturers. It was cheesy and somewhat sleazy but it made for good conversation. Since this is a family blog I’ll leave it that.

But I admit to having been surprised to read this.

Large condoms for S African men

“A large number of South African men are bigger and complain about condoms being uncomfortable and too small,” said Durex manager Stuart Roberts.

Aids activists say the new condom could encourage men to practise safe sex in South Africa, where some 6m are HIV positive – more than any other country.

Some South Africans are reluctant to use condoms, says activist Thandi Xolo.

Mr Xolo, from the National Association of People Living With HIV/Aids (Napwa), said both men and women fear being labelled as promiscuous if they are seen with condoms.

“This could help condoms become cool,” he said. “Men will buy them to boost their ego.”

(Visited 39 times, 1 visits today)


  1. ZasxLina August 28, 2005 at 8:28 pm

    I thought you might think is funny since you’re talking about condoms.

    I hope it’s not to crude. It is funny and relevant thought.

    Credit Card Condom picture.

  2. Dindel August 17, 2005 at 1:55 pm

    As a woman I have to say… dont think buying extra large condoms will impress us. if that thing slides off………. Guy spend too much time worring, thinking and talking about size.

    P.S. Its not the size of the ocean..

  3. Neil August 17, 2005 at 2:47 am

    Whatever helps. It’s like the marketing of the bigger box of Cheerios with still the same amount of cereal inside the box.

  4. fsgsf August 16, 2005 at 7:17 pm

    maybe they can name them “ego condoms”

    Nj from NJ

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