Here is a link to a pretty solid list of charities you can donate money to for Hurricane relief.
But for those who do not want to click here is a small excerpt from the same site:
FLOOD AID UPDATE: Here are some places you can donate to hurricane Katrina relief: (Bumped to top — scroll down for current posts, which continue to be added below this one.) [LATER: First blogburst installment is up — scroll down to see the links.] [LATER STILL: There’s lots more, now.]
Catholic Charities is involved, and probably has lots of resources to draw on in the heavily Catholic New Orleans area.
Austin Bay is recommending Episcopal Relief and Development.
Liz at Rightalk suggests that animal lovers donate to the Humane Society.
Here’s a link to Mennonite Disaster Services. The Sanity Inspector says they’re highly efficient.
Reader Peter Viditto recommends The Mercy Corps
Here’s the link for Methodist Relief.
Lisa Larkin recommends Operation Blessing.
The Salvation Army does good work. (WalMart just gave them a million dollars, but that’s just the barest beginning of what’s needed.)
Hugh Hewitt recommends Samaritan’s Purse
Scott Ott recommends Southern Baptist Disaster Relief.
Numerous readers recommend United Jewish Charities.
Here’s a link to LDS Humanitarian Services.
Soldiers’ Angels has a special relief fund to benefit returning servicepeople in the disaster area.
Blog-based charity Strengthen The Good is setting up a donation matching program.
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