Make mine a double.
“BERLIN (Reuters) – A German brewer has concocted what he says is the world’s strongest beer, a potent drink with an alcohol content of 25.4 percent that is served in a shot glass.
“Everyone who has tried it is enthusiastic. It tastes like a quirky mixture of beer and sherry,” said Bavarian brewer Harald Schneider.
Schneider, who lives in southern Germany where beer is a tradition, said his beer fermented for 12 weeks for an alcohol content twice that of Germany’s other strongest beers.
“People will only be able to drink two or three glasses, otherwise they’ll drop like flies,” he said.
Schneider expects the holders of the world’s strongest beer, the Boston Beer Company, to put up a fight.
“I’m pretty sure the Americans have something up their sleeve.”
I am sure many not so beautiful women get lucky if they don’t drop like flies first. (LOL)
Sam Adams is fair.
Nothing can touch Sam Adams. Yum. Supreme stuff.
well, Boston Brewery (the Makers of Sam Adams) made a brew called “Millenium” for the 2000 hooplah, and it contained just over 25.0%…that 0.4% really put those whacky Germans over the top, now didn’t it. Don’t drink it, by the way, it’s just now what beer is supposed to be…