And Jack Was Not Consumed.
Today was not what you could call slow.If anything you could say that that it resembled a big wave. If you have ever been to the beach I am sure you have seen it. As You walk down to the waters edge you feel the sand between your toes. The texture of it changes as you get closer to the water. One moment it is that special kind of warm, that indescribable feeling that just feels good. The kind of warmth that you cannot help but soak up and bask in. And then it grows damp. The moisture is not the only evidence of the change, because if you pay attention you notice that walking upon the damp sand is actually easier. It is packed more tightly and it doesn’t give as easily.
And if you have looked out upon the sea you probably noticed that there are moments in which the water swirls around your feet and then suddenly it recedes. It is as if a giant is sucking the water up in a straw. It begins to gather in one place and the surface changes from a placid picture to a bulge that you know must burst. It grows higher and higher. You are heading up the roller coaster and in just a moment you know that it will come hurtling downward and that empty space by your feet will be filled again. That is kind of what today felt like. I am not sure if I did a good job expressing myself, but at the moment I don’t care all that much. I am a little frustrated.
You see as the title of the post suggests I was involved in an accident. It wasn’t my fault. The other driver made a sudden left turn in front of my car. It was at an uncontrolled intersection and as such I had the right of way. He acknowledged as much as he told me that it was his fault. I only hope that he says the same to his insurance company.
As for me, well I am ok. I feel fine, albeit frustrated. My car will most likely be totaled and now I’ll be forced to spend money that I had not intended to spend, at least not at this time.
The strange thing about this is that at the moment of impact I could almost swear that I heard Unetaneh Tokef being chanted. It was a little bizarre.
Thanks. This was a ’96 Accord.
I’m glad you’re OK. This wasn’t the Odyssey?
Thank you all. There are better ways to usher in the new year, but all things considered I am very happy because it could have been worse.
The title says it all … glad you walked away from it.
What Stacey said. I hope he told the police what he told you… then the insurance shouldn’t be an issue.
Glad you’re okay. The rest is far less important.
Thank G-d you are ok. What a way to usher in the new year.