I was tagged by Elie for this one.
Four Jobs You have held in your life
- Cross Country Coach
- Marketing Manager
- Camp Counselor/Youth Director
- Copier Salesman
Four movies you could watch over and over:
- The Godfather
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
- Casablanca
- The Blues Brothers
Four places you’ve lived: This doesn’t give a timeframe so here is my answer:
- Jerusalem
- Toronto
- Los Angeles
- Ojai
Four TV shows you love to watch:
- Curb Your Enthusiasm
- Lost
- Angel
- Oz
Four places you’ve been on vacation:
- Israel
- Hawaii
- Mexico
- Yosemite
Four of your favorite foods:
- Pizza
- Steak
- Sushi
- Mexican
Four places you’d rather be:
- Jerusalem
- Maui
- Middle Earth (Sorry Elie, you need at least one companion who can handle a broadsword.)
- Yosemite
Four books you’ll read over and over again
- Lord of the Rings
- The Thomas Covenant Series
- Catcher In the Rye
- The Belgariad.
As for tagging others, well if you want to do this go ahead and be my guest. I’ll read it.
(Visited 110 times, 1 visits today)
Yes, there is.
I love Lahaina.
I enjoyed that.The mental picture is growing stronger.
Four Jobs You have held in your life
1. Policy Analysts (government)
2. Project Manager(government)
3. Cleaning contractor
4. Encyclopaedia salesman
Four movies you could watch over and over:
1. Forest Gump
2. Pay it Forward
3. Sin City
4. A Christmas Carol (B&W)
Four places you’ve lived: This doesn’t give a time frame so here is my answer:
1. Angus (Ontario)
2. Toronto
3. Ottawa
4. Belleville
Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Law and Order
2. Earl
3. Missing
4. Gilligan’s Island
Four places you’ve been on vacation:
1. Israel
2. France
3. England
4. Egypt (just four of 15 nations)
Four of your favourite foods:
1. Pizza
2. Steak
3. Guinness (it is a food)
4. Mexican
Four places you’d rather be:
1. Jerusalem
2. Paris
3. Banff
4. Lauterbrunnen
Four books you’ll read over and over again
1. Angels and Demons
2. Walden II
3. Solomon Gurski was Here
4. Nemesis (not the star trek one)
Maui is wonderful. That’s where I honeymooned.
Okay, Jack, is there a man alive who doesn’t love The Godfather? (I love it too, but, truly, have never met a man that doesn’t say that’s his favorite movie)