I Love Gadgets

I love gadgets. I love little doohickeys and thingamabobs that go beep and boop and burp. I love little whirlygigs that whir and chirp. In part I can attribute this love to my father as he is the person that introduced me to so many cool items.

I enjoy stores and catalogs like: The Sharper Image, Levenger, Brookstone and The Discovery Store. There are some quality issues with some of the items, but even so I can always find items that interest me and that is part of the attraction.

Here is an incomplete list of gifts that I intend to get myself at some point in the future:

, The Great American History Fact-Finder Book, an overstuffed chair, 1,001 Natural Wonders You Must See Before You Die Book, The Little Guide To Your Well-Read Life, I already own and enjoy these two. I like this globe and well this list is far too long already and a bit ridiculous. Not to mention that it is missing many of the gadgets.

(Visited 48 times, 1 visits today)


  1. Stacey March 31, 2006 at 2:25 pm

    What a bunch of money-wasters.

  2. Michael March 31, 2006 at 1:44 pm

    I love gadgets too.

    Take Care

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