A Couple of Pictures of Me June 16, 2006 5 Comments By Jack Steiner TweetSharePinShare0 SharesWorking on plans for the house. Excited about my fabulous new hairstyle. Stay tuned as you never know when I’ll decide to share new photos. (Visited 33 times, 1 visits today)Share this:ShareRedditTwitterLinkedInFacebookPinterest Related Saved: Uncategorized
Jack's Shack June 18, 2006 at 7:04 am
Strong Bad is fortunate to be so close in looks. 😉
Sorry, was going for the Brian Bosworth look.
Nacho Libre looks like my BIL, but don’t tell him I said that.
It is all the weight lifting, fools people all the time.
Richmond June 16, 2006 at 10:14 pm
Wow! Somehow I imagines you… differently… Hmmm…
A Simple Jew June 16, 2006 at 7:27 pm
Jack: PT and I have been e-mailing back and forth about these pictures. Since he can’t post right now, he told me to post this in his name:
Strong Bad wears a Mexican wrestling mask.
Jack Black is in a new movie playing a Mexican wrestler.
Jack Shack looks like Jack Black
Strong Bad=Jack Shack
Z June 16, 2006 at 7:17 pm
I think maybe that mousse you’re using may be a tad too strong for your hair type 🙂
A Simple Jew June 16, 2006 at 6:08 pm
In the first picture you look like Psycho Toddler’s friend Strong Bad.
see here