‘He who cannot defend Liberty does not deserve Liberty’

Well Worth Reading- Thanks Dave!

A moving, powerful address an IDF Golani Brigade commander, Cap. Uri Lavie to his troops before going into battle against Hizbullah:

“This is our time to rise to the challenge, put on the helmets and the bullet proof vests and make sure that the northern border is secure.

We shall fulfill any mission in a most effective manner, in face of any challenge.

If we shall not fulfill our mission we shall forfeit the right to exist.

We shall not lose this war, which we did not start.

Our duty is to serve as a defense force of the Jewish People, and to secure the peace of mind of the civilians in northern Israel.

If we shall not do it, no one will do it in our place.

For two thousand years we waited for the establishment of the Jewish State, and we are not going to roll back because a bunch of terrorists assume that they can scare us.

He who cannot defend Liberty does not deserve Liberty.

If we will not be able to fight until our last drop of blood, in order to secure the Liberty of our People on its own soil, our People will not enjoy Liberty.

There is time to talk and there is time to act. At this time, when missiles and Katyushas afflict the North all the way to Haifa, in addition to the two kidnapped soldiers, the ten soldiers killed and the dozens injured, it is time to fight and not to talk. We are the force, which has been chosen to fight, and we shall perform in the most effective manner.

I will be the first one to enter the battle and the last one to come out, and will do everything in my power to get you out alive and well. On Friday, with G-D’s help, we will rejoin with our families. However, I cannot do it alone. Once we cross the northern border, you should exercise full alert and full responsibility toward your fellow soldier.” (Ha’aretz, July 27, 2006)”

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  1. Jack's Shack July 31, 2006 at 7:13 am

    It is pretty powerful.

  2. BW July 31, 2006 at 2:01 am

    That was wonderful to read, thank-you. Blessings upon Israel and all who defend Israel and upon her people. G-d strengthen the resolve, the arm that carries the sword of defense, encourage and preserve, beyond measure.

  3. Leaf July 30, 2006 at 1:34 pm

    thanks for posting, that was a good read. I have always found it so amazing that the IDF commanders lead from the front. Achari is a great motto and ideal.

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