I finally made the switch. Am slowly going through old posts to label them. Thus far I haven’t encountered too many glitches, but I am still holding my breath.
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"When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'." Groucho Marx
Oh, so you can update blogger without changing the template? That was what I heard all the complains about.
Check to see if somehow the URL of the links were changed. Otherwise I can’t think of any reason why you couldn’t get there.
welcome jack…i moved a couple of months ago…but something is wrong as i can’t access all my blog links…eg can’t get to trepp or val or a couple of others…how about you? a sweet shavuah tov my friend
It seems pretty straight forward.
Try labeling 4,000 posts. Feh. As for Haloscan, well I have had it on here twice. Both times it was a pain in my ass. But it would be nice to have trackbacking.
Hi Liorah,
I haven’t upgraded the template. Frankly, I am afraid to.
I had haloscan on Walking On Fire (my main blog) before I switched to beta, but I’m not sure that I’m going to put haloscan back on. The blogger commenting system is sufficient for a personal blog like mine, I think. I haven’t decided yet.
But yeah, it is going to take FOREVER (almost) to label all my posts. I do a little at a time, and I think I’m going to skip and delete some of the “blah” posts along the way. The task of labeling is going to help me clean up and unclutter my blog.
I’m glad I switched too. Although, I’m not sure I’m going to upgrade the templates for all my blogs. I finally found a way to put up a masthead in beta. I posted the instructions on my blog for anyone else who might want to put a masthead into his/her template.
I feel fortunate that we started our blog after the beta was out, so we never had to switch.
Of course, now I’m torn as to whether or not I should switch to Haloscan. A lot of other bloggers are strongly recommending it, but I’m reluctant. Jack, any reason you’ve avoided that?
I made the switch, too. I dreaded it, but now I’m glad I did. So. Much. Easier.
The labels are part of why I changed. I have so many posts it was hard to stay organized.
I’m seriously dreading the day that they make us all change. You have to re-label posts? I prefer to stick to what I know. Let me know if you end up liking it better, and why. I’m curious since I’ve heard nothing but complaints.