Jameel the Waffle King has information on how you can participate in the first annual JBlogosphere Purim Podcast. Don’t be shy. Join in the fun. Click here for details.
Ok, since some of you are lazy I’ll provide them here too:
We’ve set up a number on GCast for people to call into and record onto. You just call, record, and hang up. If you’re in the US: 1-888-65-GCast. Internationally it says +1-305-437-8719. The ten-digit code is C1MAURP1ZZ; The PIN is PURI. Punch those in slowly, it doesn’t register if you do it too fast. You can listen to whatever you record before saving (and you can delete it before submission). Please press 2 to save – thanks!
The unofficial trailer:
Sounds like a plan.
Ahh…nothing says time to get Little Orieyenta to sing like a Purim podcast. (Hopefully she’ll be in a singing mood when I pick her up from school!)