Why Is Judaism Relevant To You?

This is worth taking a second look at. Originally posted here.

The Jewish Atheist has a post that gives good food for thought. It is called:

Intermarriage and Interdating, Part II: or, Jewish Guilt

There were a couple of comments that caught my attention:

“I want to speak to the question of Jewish survival, since this comes up all the time as the key reason not to intermarry. My question is why is Jewish survival so important? I think there’s a significant difference that tends to be lost on some between the horribleness of the destruction of the Jewish people through genocide and the gradual waning of a faith because it is no longer as relevant to the lives of some people today as it was to their ancestors.”



I think you hit on an important point. That Judaism seems no longer relevant now. That is the failure of our religion, that it hasn’t sufficiently adapted to the changing needs of our society.”

So here are a few questions to consider. Would you be able to respond to these comments? Can you provide an answer based upon logic and reason? Why is Judaism important to you?

The floor is open. I am interested in hearing what you have to say.

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  1. Jack's Shack March 6, 2007 at 4:59 am

    I am happy where I am.

    Only ‘cuz you left cleveland.


    You know that I can’t do that.


    Well said.


    I agree. We have to live in the present.

  2. Mark March 6, 2007 at 3:24 am

    It rsonates well with another aspect of my life, the Twelve Steps.

    It’s not so much about religion as a way of living life by some very sound principles and guidelines because now is what counts, not an afterlife.

  3. The Babka Nosher March 6, 2007 at 12:08 am

    Judaism is relevant to me because it gives meaning and structure to my life. I love the rhythyms of the Jewish calendar… this religion that was an organic creation is actually a brilliant way to keep your life in perspective. Not only was I was made in G-d’s image – I am but dust.

  4. judi March 5, 2007 at 8:07 pm

    You could’ve just asked an easy question like “Why are we here?” or “What is the meaning of life?”…w

  5. Stacey March 5, 2007 at 2:41 pm

    Judaism is important to me because it is my heritage and an integral part of my identity.

    However, I am not frum. Nor do I keep kosher. And neither is an aspiration of mine. My observance level fits me perfectly. I am happy where I am.

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