In December of 2005 I wrote a post called Why I Blog.
“Why do I blog. Why do I spend so much time sitting here at the computer staring a monitor that is filled with the fingerprints of tiny people. Why do I surf the net and engage in 21st century voyeurism.
The very simple reason is that I derive a tremendous sense of joy and satisfaction from using words to express my thoughts. I have a great love for the language and I appreciate those people who can use words to construct a mental image. I appreciate their ability and craftmanship and wonder how it is they can take my mind and send it on a journey out of my body and into another world.
For surely it is a bit escapist to sit at the keyboard and scroll down the pages and read about the lives and trials of others. And in a different way I find it comforting. I am part of a community of bloggers, a part of the overall blogosphere and at the same time I am also part of many other groups within the blogosphere.
I am able to reach out and click someone. I can see that there are others who are facing the same challenges I face or have already overcome them. I take strength in their words and I offer my own.”
I am slowly approaching my third blogiversary and I can say unequivocally that I still stand by everything I wrote there. I still have things to say and things to share. I still enjoy the interaction. I still appreciate reading other blogs and in spite of the nastiness that we encounter I am still comfortable here.
Maybe it is because I am evil but the trolls don’t bother me all that much. On a side note every time someone mentions troll I think of the old kids book Three Billy Goats Gruff.
The blogosphere is growing in power. Each day I hear more people discussing it. It is quickly evolving from a thing that some people did to something that many people do. I still think that most bloggers will not last, but that is a post for a different date.
I would agree with everything you wrote in 2005. Blogging has been extremely rewarding for me. 🙂
I like to blog, but my blog is so tame and non-controversial that I am sure it bores most people who read it. The trolls, whiners, and idiots DO bother me (LOL) so I don’t usually talk about anything that will set anyone off! It would upset me if someone commented with something negative.
Your 2005 post nicely sums up my feelings about blogging as well. I’m a writer and love playing with words. It’s cool I’ve “met” a bunch of other writers who feel similarly. And when a friendship occasionally goes beyond that, all the better. The trolls, whiners, idiots, etc. don’t bother me – I either ignore them or mock them, depending on my mood.