I think that I might have covered Randy Pausch before, but I didn’t see it in the archives. Anyway, I thought that this was worth showing again.
If you’re not familiar with the story Randy Pausch is a college professor who is dying from pancreatic cancer. He is 47 years old, married and has three small children. The video below is of his final lecture.
He is still fighting the battle, but as his home page says “Pancreatic cancer is the most deadly of cancers, with only a 4% 5-year survival rate.”
I enjoyed his lecture. I hope you will too.
According to Wikipedia and the Randy Pausch Update page:
At the age of 47, Randy Pausch died of complications from pancreatic cancer on July 25, 2008. He is survived by his wife, Jai, and their three children, Dylan, Logan, and Chloe.
Thank you for the update. He really seemed to be quite a guy. I think that you are right in your prior comment about needing people. This is too big a job for one person.
Thank you Jack for sharing this awesome story with me.
Three take aways for me. Maybe, you.
1. The brick walls are there for a reason. Brick walls are not there to keep us out. The Brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.
2. You can’t get there alone. You need people. People help you get there.
3. Don’t complain, just work hard.