Actually it is after 2 AM and I should have made it to bed hours ago. Why, oh dear lord why I am awake on a work night. In years past the explanation was simple. I was coming home from a night out with the boys, a date or just enjoying the cool air of the evening.
Tonight is different. Tonight I find myself awake because of a number of different issues. Tonight I find myself awake because of five separate challenges. They aren’t quite the same as those that were faced by Hercules, although at times I felt like I was fighting the Hydra.
And I should add that I did take a short unscheduled nap on the couch. But again my dreams were fitful and disturbing, so I woke up in a bit of a foul mood.
But since I found myself awake I decided to tackle some of the crap that I have been forced to deal with. I began by attacking a few of the technological issues that have been foisted upon me. I won’t bore you with all of the details, suffice it to say that there is an old computer and a new computer in this house. I hadn’t intended on acquiring a new computer yet, but sometimes you do what you have to do.
Speaking of doing what you have to do, I had a conversation with a dear friend about life. He told me that he feels like he is stuck, or trapped I should say in a situation that is untenable. To be clear, my description is intentionally vague.
Anyway, this discussion seems to be one that my friends and I are having a lot lately. Some of it is related to age. Most of us have children and have been married for a number of years. That combination drives a number of challenges that manifest themselves into an exceptional amount of stress.
Some of us rise above the stress and some of us are overwhelmed by it. There will be a followup post to this later on, but let’s hit one theme.
If you find yourself floating through life you need to figure out how to improve things. I don’t want to live a life that is based solely upon my ability to endure. There is more to life than enduring.
I don’t expect it to be roses and sunshine everyday, but I don’t expect it to be gloom and doom either. I don’t like change, never have, but I fear stagnation more than I fear change.
It is a guarantee that life will change, roll with it or it rolls over you.
More to come when I am awake. Hopefully I won’t feel like a truck ran over me.
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