My 20 Favorite Actresses

My friend Robert tagged me with the 20 favorite actresses meme. I had to think about this one for a while. 

Initially I wasn’t sure that I had 20 favorites, but I think that I came up with a decent list. It is not what I’d call risky, but then again there aren’t really any right/wrong answers here.  But I can guarantee that I am going to want to to change it.

Some people will agree and some will disagree. The way I see it if it moves you then you can consider yourself tagged. One more thing, the list is not in order of importance.
  1. Meryl Streep
  2. Ingrid Bergman
  3. Raquel Welch
  4. Glen Close
  5. Cate Blanchett
  6. Ann Margaret
  7. Lauren Bacall
  8. Katherine Hepburn
  9. Kathy Bates
  10. Anne Bancroft
  11. Diane Keaton
  12. Julia Roberts
  13. Sandra Bullock
  14. Emma Thompson
  15. Diane Lane
  16. Gilda Radner
  17. Kate Winslett
  18. Susan Sarandon
  19. Judi Dench
  20. Fay Dunaway
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