Happy New Year. Goodbye 2008, hello 2009.
This marks fifth installment of round ups about the conflict in Gaza.
Here are links to the previous editions:
Gaza Update 4.5
CNN is late in the game with Israel uses YouTube, Twitter to share its point of view. Maybe they should be reading this blog.
Haaretz has two stories that are worth looking at, Israelis who blame Israel are not helping the Palestinians and IDF recommends major, but brief Gaza ground offensive.
From The Razor Walking In Israel’s Shoes. Rhymes with Right Israel NOT Targeting Civilians.
Baron Boddisey offers Israel’s Struggle. Jewish World Review has a column called Israel’s Response Is Disproportionate.
Pajamas Media The Gaza War: Is It Really So Hard to Understand? and Israel’s Morality Versus Hamas’s Morality: Who Are The “Peace Activists†Anyway?
Powerline shared Hoping for Change in Our Middle East Policy and they include a post about a DOS attack on their site at Hamas H.Q. Bombed; Power Line, too.
Harry’s Place reports UK telecom firm cuts ties with Israeli company and Iranian newspaper publishes criticism of Hamas; gets shut down.
The Volokh Conspiracy discusses how Hamas is using human shields.
Israel Politik shares Aid to Gaza Continues: 31 December.
Ki Yachol Nuchal! provided a Short Mantra for Parents of Soldiers, and Others Who Love Them.
Day Five of the War in Beer Sheva at Shiloh Musings.
What War Zone has New Year’s greetings, Happy New Year from Hamas!
Yid With Lid asks Do Hamas Mothers Love Their Children? and The Truth About The BOGUS Gaza “Medical Crisis“
Honest Reporting has a primer on the war here.
Gateway Pundit ran Pro-Hamas Nutjobs Glue Themselves to BBC– Sing Moonbat Songs (Video).
That is it for now. More to come as needed.
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