Too Lijit To Quit & The Nigerian Email Scammer

So there I was minding my own business and just hanging out around the blogosphere when suddenly I was confronted by an email. Not just any email, but one of those Nigerian Email Scams. You know what I am talking about, it was one of those emails where someone promised me that if I helped them together we could make millions of dollars.

Now if you are one of the 17 long time readers you know that I am Jack, the Bishop of Bullfrog and scourge of the scam artists. I have engaged these fine men and women more than once in dialogue about these get rich schemes.

Recently I was contacted by another fine gentleman from a far away land who told me that fortune was smiling upon me. All I needed to do was work with him on a very simple plan and we would become rich, so rich that I could buy the burning river in cleveland. As you know that would make many people happy, a clean river, that is.

So when the fine fellow asked me if I was interested I told him that I was, but that before we could enter into partnership he needed to engage me in a traditional American business practice called educating the partner.

In this particular situation I told him that I wanted him to learn about a fine blogging service called Lijit. To help him I sent him a link and all of the text from Lijit’s about page. You know, it is that place where you learn that Lijit will make search on your blog to be more effective and more interesting.

Furthermore I instructed my new friend Simon Peeples that part of the traditional educating the partner involved creating a song and that if he wanted to work with me he would need to write mine and that not doing so is considered very offensive. But I also told him that since he is new to American business practices I would help him.

So I sent him a link to MC Hammer’s song Too Legit to Quit and told him that if he made a video of himself performing this I would be happy to work with him.

Sadly I still haven’t heard back from Mr. Simon Peeples. I am hopeful that it is because he is working on the choreography and that I will soon receive a link to his YouTube video. Not only that but I told him that if he does a good job I would pass it along to famous Hollywood Dance Producer Stampy Fellows.

We’ll have to wait and see what happens, but while we wait for Mr. Peeples may I suggest that you consider incorporating Lijit into your blog. It has been a very useful tool here and I have been pleased to use it.

Full disclosure, I am participating the in the Lijit Kindle Contest. I’ll let you all know how it goes.

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