Math is Useful after All- The Formula for Perfect Parking

Here is another story that caught my eye. A math professor believes that this formula is going to help teach people how to properly park their cars.

Normally I don’t make fun of academics, but professor this isn’t going to help. It is not solely an issue of understanding how to park the car, but of courtesy. Many people could do a superior job of parking the car if they cared to take the time to do so.

If people don’t bother returning shopping carts to the store or at least remove them from the middle of the parking lot this is virtually useless. Ok, not useless, but until I am on Jeopardy again or in the midst of Trivial Pursuit…

“The equation is the result of a collaboration between Vauxhall Motors and maths professor Simon Blackburn.

Prof Blackburn, from the University of London’s Royal Holloway College, came up with the formula to make even the trickiest reverse parallel parking situations a breeze.

However, to the average motorist, its array of square roots, brackets and symbols is likely to lead to more confusion than the driving task at hand.”

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