This is something that I suspect the majority of bloggers go through. It is a malady is best described as being upset because you spent time composing a post that you thought would be outstanding.
A post that you were certain was so good that you wouldn’t have time to respond to all of the comments because you knew that within an hour of putting it up there would be at least 15 and by the end of the day there would be hundreds.
Only the exact opposite happens. You upload your post and anxiously await your first comment but there is nothing. It is like being back in high school. Your parents went out of town and left you home alone with strict instructions not to throw any parties.
Of course as soon as they left you spent a ton of time notifying everyone about the amazing 16 keg Bacchanalian festival that you have planned and no one came. And then the disappointment and depression set in.
Why, oh why are there no comments. You tried so hard to be funny, to be witty and insightful. There is a very cool picture and that clever phrase you were saving for the perfect post. You know the one I am talking about. It is the phrase that you are sure is going to become the new rage. You’ll be like that girl, the one who made “Dooced” a part of popular culture. The next Forest Gump movie is definitely going to include some reference to you/it.
But unlike in Field of Dreams, when you built it they didn’t come. It is time to take off that special party dress. It is time to put the collar back down on your shirt. It was cool to wear it like that in the 80’s and you thought that you’d bring back the trend but now you know you just look sloppy and disheveled.
My friend, you haven’t even hit the worst part of this. The worst part is that at some point you are going to stumble onto a blog in which they have produced the same post. It may not be an exact duplicate. It may not be a word for word reproduction but essentially there are only minor differences but one big distinction.
And that distinguishing feature is that those million comments you had hoped to receive are all on this other blog and there is nothing there to show that you had the idea first. Not a link, not a comment, not a simple thank you for the idea.
Maybe Kohellet was right and there is nothing new beneath the sun.
But have no fear little blogging buddy. Life is a journey in which we learn from experiences. The measure of a person is how they respond to adversity, not how many comments they get or how much traffic they receive.
Live long and prosper grasshopper and may the blogger be with you.
(originally posted here.)
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