Must be pushing midnight perhaps a few minutes before or maybe a few just after- I am not really sure. Frankly I am sort of confused by it all because tonight marks the end of daylight’s savings time so we turn the clocks back an hour.
Except we don’t do that until somewhere around 2 AM or so by which time I hope to have begun the OccupyMyBed Movement. Excuse me for a moment while I sing along with Save A Horse (Ride A Cowboy) which is kind of a fun tune.
I guarantee that at least three people are scratching their heads trying to figure out what the video is about. Stop it! Just Stop. And I guarantee that some of the Bloggers Moral Code Committee are irked that I have broken the rules again by using such a salacious song in my blog. So let me circle back and say that you have several choices here:
- Point, click, close and surf to another blog.
- Go get laid or obtain some sort of device which will provide you with the release you so dearly need.
It is your choice and frankly I think that number two is the better option. Not only might it help remove the gigantic object that has been shoved up your derriere it will also ensure that you generate some more pageviews here and that is not such a bad thing. I sort of appreciate having you trolls roaming the halls and would like to know how much you charge to haunt a house.
In case you are slow, new or confused I don’t play by the rules unless I have to. Yes, I am a blogging anarchist who is using previously published material to produce content for Nanowrimo. The goal is to take the content that I am blogging about here and weave it together to create killer content. So even though we are not supposed to use previously published content I am doing so because it makes sense to recycle and repurpose it. We get bonus points for being environmentally friendly.
Unfortunately that won’t fix the fact that someone has taken Fragments of Fiction and used that for a URL for their blog. I shouldn’t be upset by this. I have had six years or so to grab it but I never did. Instead I just used Fragments of Fiction as a label and blog name.
Anyhoo, let’s circle back again and talk about the topic- Do you play by the rules? The real answer for me is…sometimes. Sometimes I do but I have been known to make adjustments to suit my particular needs. It is a topic that I have thought about more than once primarily because as a father it is part of an important discussion.
I want my children to question authority and to question the rules but not everywhere and every time. The challenge is trying to help them understand when and where is appropriate thus spaketh Jack, the grumpy dad blogger.
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Leon Noone November 7, 2011 at 7:28 am
G’Day jack,
Whose rules? Your post brought to mind the extraordinary success of Brazilian, Ricardo Semler and his very successful company, Semco.
Here’s a bloke who’s absolutely trashed most of the so-called rules of management and been spectacularly successful in doing so.
His first book, “Maverick” sold over a million copies. Then in 2003 he published “The Seven Day Weekend.”
These aren’t your typical self development “how I dragged my family out of the in-laws freezing cellar, became a millionaire and holiday in the Bahamas for 3 months every year” type of tomes.
These are about achieving great commercial success by literally “letting the inmates run the prison.”
If you’re seeking an example of extreme-and extremely successful- rule breaking, read these two books.
He has mountains of fun too.
Jack November 7, 2011 at 10:47 pm
Leon, I am always interested in books that people refer to as domes- makes them sound mystical and I love that.
And mountains of fun- well how can I pass on that. You have been here long enough to know that.Thank you for the recommendation, much appreciated.
Meggs November 7, 2011 at 5:16 am
Sometimes I play by the rules and sometimes I don’t. My mother and I had lunch together the other day and I had a big discussion with her about why (in her opinion) my brother and I are a couple of curious people who can’t get enough of learning something new and looking into the details and the inner workings of anything and everything around us. She told me she did her very best to teach us never to just blindly accept things… which may have a lot do do with the “deviant” streak that showed up in an evaluation I did before starting some therapy a few years ago. My therapist was cracking up… a deviant streak he never saw coming after the first few in-depth sessions I’d had with him. He said, “You question authority, eh? GOOD FOR YOU! You’re gonna be just fine.” And you know what? I am. =) I have a feeling you kick butt at being a dad…
And as far as being a part of your community… I was hooked the first time I read one of your blogs because they’re real. I appreciate reading something that’s written by someone who’s let go of kissing up to their readers. I’m gonna keep coming back.
Hope you have a great day!
Jack November 7, 2011 at 10:50 pm
Hello Meggs, nice to see you again. I like deviant streaks in people who question authority probably cause I have the same thing going on over here.
I appreciate your comment and glad that you are a part of the crew here. Look forward to seeing you again.
absence of alternatives November 6, 2011 at 7:31 am
I love the OccupyMyBed movement. I should partake more often!
Jack November 6, 2011 at 8:37 pm
I suspect that the movement will soon become a huge success.