Advanced Potty Training Techniques Needed

My friends I have blogged about having a dysfunctional digestive system and have written about the adventures created from eating Chicken Vindaloo. Dig through the archives and you’ll find a post in which a commenter suggested that men shouldn’t urinate while standing up and all sorts of other interesting bathroom posts.

But I don’t think that I have ever come across a company that suggested you purchase a product called CleanButt. Perhaps the food coma hangover from Thanksgiving is preventing me from recognizing a parody site, but I just don’t think so. Take a look at this video and you can thank me later.

Remember I am also the guy who brought you information about how much it would cost to Build The Death Star, How To Use Office Supplies to Build a Crossbow and how to Lose Weight With The Greatest Exercise Ever so it is only natural that I would look for more useful information to share with you here.

On a semi serious note I would be concerned about having a toilet seat that requires reading an owners manual.  Something about that makes me nervous. Maybe it is the telephone calls I receive now from family members who need help programming their television remote, VCR or ask for assistance with basic computer issues. If they have trouble using a computer or iPad this might be problematic.

They might require a course on advanced potty training.

And now if you will excuse me I am off to hit the treadmill so that I can eat more pumpkin pie later on.


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  1. vanita November 26, 2011 at 3:58 am

    I gotta admit, this would be perfect for potty training. ya know, toddlers. you’re too funny Jack, good post.

  2. Eric November 25, 2011 at 5:22 pm

    I know a good place you can read that owners manual!

  3. Julie November 25, 2011 at 5:14 pm

    Oh, it’s real all right. In fact it is $745 worth of medical equipment!

    • Jack November 25, 2011 at 8:58 pm

      That is a ton of cash for a toilet. Hell, you could buy a pressure washer at Home Depot for a lot less.

      Need to be careful with the settings though… 😉

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