The reason that you will read this post is because you clicked on the headline intrigued, curious  and interested in finding out if I have some profound insight to share with you. Some of you are wondering if Jack ever takes a break and how it is that the crazy man keeps writing without a break. Well, Old Jack doesn’t require the same sort of break as ordinary men.
Old Jack doesn’t require those things because he sold his soul to the devil and in return was given the gift of gab. Ok, raise your hand if you are confused about who Old Jack is. Now raise your hand if you want to know when Old Jack sold his soul. Raise your hand a third time if you are sick of Old Jack talking about himself in the third person.
If you are among those who read my posts carefully you’ll recall that I told the devil to stay away from here or risk being defenestrated twice. There is a reason that the devil went down to Georgia and didn’t come up to LA. It is dangerous to his/her health here. Believe me there are people, things and places far more deadly and dangerous than I am.
On a more serious tack I really did intend to go to sleep but I have six million different thoughts and ideas for the stories that I am working on and it is hard to step away from the computer. Sometimes when creativity calls I must answer because the muse’s call must be met with more than “I’ll take the trash out later.”
I stumbled onto a post called 7 Deadly Sins of Creativity that I really like. I like it enough to consider writing a separate post about it but for now I want to do a bit more than mention it. For now I want to point out that every one of the 7 items they list is substantial enough to warrant a full post. If it wasn’t a bit after 1 AM I might even take the time to write it but I think that my body will thank me later if I get to sleep earlier.
So let’s take a moment to focus on fear of failure and never testing the creative impact of your output. I keep mentioning the story that I am working on in this blog because it forces me to be accountable to myself. It forces me to confront failure in the most direct manner possible. And more importantly it is a regular test of the creative impact of my output.
People read my words and provide feedback that makes it clear about whether they love or hate it. Some of you have asked if I am concerned that my publishing large pieces of this project will have a negative impact on my ability to publish it.
The answer is a resounding “no.” If you include all of the platforms I use to interact with others it is fair to say that I have a significant reach. However if you compare that reach to potential readers it is minuscule. Furthermore it is clear that not all of my readers are actually reading the story so I still have a significant number of you that I can count among those who are likely to take the time to buy my book.
But that is down the road and though I very much like writing “buy my book” it isn’t out yet so you will have to wait to “buy my book.”
Very glad that 2012 is here and excited to see what this year holds. At the childrens’ school they often talk about having an “attitude of gratitude” and I have to say that I have it. It is sort of a goofy statement but it is quite sensible.
I may bitch and moan about some things but don’t let that fool you. I am steering my ship and serving as a personal advocate for myself. I have a list of goals that I intend to see met this year and am working on it.
Goal number one is to get more sleep so it is time to sign out and say thanks for reading. Don’t worry, Old Jack will be back here again real soon. 😉
I’ll read your book, Jack. I’ve thought about turning my blog into some sort of book, but have no idea how to go about doing it or who in the hell would be interested in reading it.
Jared, I have done that and it’s really simple. It incorporated my first year of blog posts and I am amazed at the reach and the impact of that little self-published book of essays, as I called it. You can see it on my website. Please contact me if you have any questions and I’ll be glad to encourage you.
Good Old Jack.
These kind of conversations test my listening skills and make me jump into the flow wanting to say, “wait, wait…now what was that?” and to celebrate the little shiny objects (like gratitude) tucked in along the read.
And I think it’s great you test the book content publicly. Sometimes, it confuses me because I’m more literal than I like to admit, but when I “get it” the excerpts make me want to know the end product. My husband used to regularly say to me, “Just write the damn book!” but I never have. I’m not sure I ever will. So I salute you and wish you a prosperous new year in every conceivable way!
Hello Mimi,
Do you want to write the book? I mean that sincerely. I don’t know exactly what held me up but at some point I realized that I needed to try to make something more out of what I had.
Hard to say what will come of it, but I am having fun doing it.
G’Day Jazk,
What’s all this nonsense about “Old Jack?” You’re a mere slip of a boy. This sympathy seeking solecism simply doesn’t become you.
And as for “creativity”……. I’ve been fiddling and scribbling in the staff performance caper for over 40 years. I’ve only ever met one absolutely “creative”individual.
You may say, rightly, that that says more about me than about creativity. But permit me to quote his definition: “creativity is merely inventive plagiarism.”
So, off to bed young fella. Just be pleased that at least one of your commenters is starting 2012 correctly by responding in role.
Nothing that rhymes with “12” scans easily so I’m sparing you my feeble attempt at a witty and memorable couplet. Just have a fabulous 2012 and….
Make sure you have fun.
Dear Leon,
Old Jack is more of a phrase of speech than anything else. I still think of myself as being about 25 or so.
Creativity may be inventive plagiarism but when it is done well it is magical.
Hope you had a proper New Year’s day down under.
So, you sold that soul did ya? Now there is hell to pay, huh?
You do crank it out; I hope it is satisfying that demon within.
I enjoy your material and I enjoy you; I’m looking forward to your progress this year as you seem to be a man on a mission.
Happy New Year to you; let’s rock this year.
Hey Bill,
That demon inside, the big green monster really only comes out when I am angry. Don’t make me angry, you wouldn’t like me when I am angry. 😉
I really do appreciate your steadfastness and friendship. I think that 2012 is going to be a big year for all of us.