When Bloggers Sing- Technical Difficulties Edition

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  1. Jason Konopinski February 1, 2012 at 9:40 am

    Jack, I love this! I’ve long thought that audio and/or video was something that I needed to incorporate more frequently into my blog, but I haven’t really given it more than the “Hey, wouldn’t it be cool if..” sort of attention.

    Always a journey.

  2. Hajra January 30, 2012 at 11:32 am

    Why can’t I hear those kids…. where have you locked them? 😉

    That is exactly what I like about your blog; you don’t have a “schedule” and you keep writing from your heart. I just mentioned this on Bill’s blog that when I was away for two months ; I did have over 800 posts to catch up to and over half of them were from you alone! 🙂 I don’t have a blogging schedule; I write only when I feel like it; but most of my energies are diverted to my freelancing work but I make sure I read blogs as much as I can.. and yes, irrespective of “catchy headlines” and “content is king”; I read what people have to say! Blog on..we love your emails in your inbox and nothing will make me unsubscribe… maybe if you do twenty posts a day I might have to reconsider then 😉

    P.S Do sing!

  3. Bill Dorman January 30, 2012 at 9:54 am

    Yes, I was one of the ones who said ‘too much’ because it is all about me and if I say you should post once a week then I feel you should give it serious consideration.

    BTW – is your ‘studio’ your bathroom? I didn’t hear any kids running around.

    I couldn’t pull up the First Impressions post; was that a technical difficulty?

    I’m Bill and you’re not; have a lovely day.

    • Jack January 30, 2012 at 10:24 am

      Hi Bill,

      I had technical difficulties with the First Impressions post and ended up having to trash it.

      It also kept me up so that it was well after midnight when I posted and my kids were fast asleep.

      Yes, you are Bill and I am not. You should be glad for that because if you were me and I were you who would we be.

  4. New York Dad January 30, 2012 at 7:29 am

    What I love about your blog Jack is that there is tons of content to choose from and frankly a bit of everything for everyone… especially for a frazzled neo-second-time dad like me 🙂 Keep writing and podcasting and I’ll keep coming if I am not trying to catch a nap on the subway…

    • Jack January 30, 2012 at 10:21 am

      I always wonder about the people the sleep on the subway. Aren’t you worried about missing your stop?

      Unless I was with someone I would be concerned because I sleep so deeply I might end up riding in circles all day long. 😉

  5. Jens P. Berget January 30, 2012 at 4:17 am

    Hi Jack,

    This is the first time I’ve listened to your “podcast”. I understand why you keep doing it, because it’s awesome. I don’t like to hear my own voice, but yours is like what I hear on the radio, so you’ve got a very good voice for podcasts.

    When it comes to how often you publish posts. I don’t have any problems with it, but I can’t keep up and read everything every day, but I catch up whenever I have the time. And since you make it clear that you’re first and foremost writing for yourself, you should keep doing it.

    And, keep singing Elvis 🙂

    • Jack January 30, 2012 at 10:19 am

      Hi Jens,

      Thank you. My voice sounds strange to me too. I think that it is pretty common for people to hear the recorded version of their voice and think it sounds strange.

      Appreciate the feedback. I understand that some people find it frustrating and though it is not my intent I can only do so much.

      Blogging should be fun and if it isn’t there is no reason to do it.

      As for singing, well now that won’t happen very often…Voice is good for some things but singing isn’t one.

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