The Social Media Echo Chamber Isn’t Really Important
This is really just a preview for a coming post in which we’ll talk about the myth of the social media echo chamber.
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This is really just a preview for a coming post in which we’ll talk about the myth of the social media echo chamber.
Betsy Cross April 19, 2012 at 2:00 am
Sort of like telling someone not to breathe when you tell them not to express themselves. I was a silent child. It was all in my head unexpressed. A lot of people are like that. It’s funny that the same message or story can be told by millions, but I will only connect with a few, so those few had better be talking!
Thanks, Jack!
Jack May 1, 2012 at 4:24 pm
I bet that it got expressed in all sorts of different ways, or so I would guess. It might not have been verbalized but…
Kaarina Dillabough April 17, 2012 at 7:47 am
Juggling bowling balls and chainsaws and fire: sounds like my kinda’ fun!
I love your words and your wisdom, my friend:) You always inspire me to “just write, dammit!” Love ya, woof woof:) To passion and personality. Cheers! Kaarina
Jack April 17, 2012 at 12:01 pm
How is my favorite Olympian? Ok, I have to be honest you are the only one that I know, but a favorite is a favorite. 😉
Here is to passion and personality!
Bill Dorman April 16, 2012 at 5:41 pm
Who was giving you support in the background; Fido?
I have’t thought of it like that but your comparison to Time & Newsweek makes sense. Some people will praise and some will disappear. I used to wonder why and used to think it was because I didn’t have an elevated enough status, which might or might not come into play; but ultimately you can’t be all things to all people. That’s just the way it is….
I will be looking for your post………
Jack April 17, 2012 at 11:59 am
Hi Bill,
No sarcasm or silliness here. People respond to different things. I am sure you see it in your office. Some people like the person that approaches them with a soft sell and others need someone to come tell them what to do.
It is not always substance that dictates how people respond.