The Greatest Father’s Day Post Never Written
Don’t tell my kids but a few years ago our fish died while we were on vacation. Since I was already a wily veteran with some years of parenting experience I had the fish “replaced” by the friend who was watching our house.
When we returned home the kids were thrilled to see how the fish had grown. One day years from now when we do that thing that families do and they try to tell me about all the things they think they fooled me about I am going to tell that story and then shout “Dad Rules!”
Now that they are older these rug rats have become aware of their father’s penchant for mischief and monkey business so I have had to work a bit harder to fool them, but that is ok because part of being a parent is convincing them that we know more than they do even when we might not.
Father’s Day Giveaway
Technically I am supposed to notify you that I have been compensated to to write this post and that one lucky reader is going to receive a $50 Amazon gift card. Â So let’s get the details out of the way.
If you want to have a shot at winning you need to leave a comment with your favorite Father’s Day Memory. As always you may feel free to write a ballad singing my praises but remember the chick from cleveland reads these and you don’t want to upset her by going too crazy.
Really, everyone knows that anyone who can survive the burning river is ridiculously tough. Â Trust me, I know things.
Father’s Day Memories
I am trying to decide if I have one Father’s Day that sticks out above all others. I have a few as a kid that make me smile. I remember hanging outside with my dad and grandfathers and feeling a bit like a big shot.
But the moment I really felt like I was the real deal was one when my son was almost 6 months old. It was my first official Father’s Day. I can’t tell you exactly what we did but I remember being with my dad and grandfathers, my son held in one arm.
The “older men” were staring at him, smiling and pride was radiating from all of their faces. I remember looking at the three of them and wondering what they saw and what they knew that I didn’t…yet.
And I remember a time a few years ago where my kids served me breakfast in bed. The excitement and pride on their faces is something I won’t forget.
I am pretty easy about this kind of stuff. I don’t need a big fuss made over me and I don’t care if they get me gifts or not. That is not to say that I don’t appreciate or want them because a gift is always nice.
Where Do You Find Good Gifts?
I suppose you can blame my father for my attitude about Father’s Day gifts. I remember wanting to get him something nice yet hating the need to be dragged around the mall. I am still not a huge fan of having to run the gauntlet there either.
But we do have resources now that didn’t exist when I was a wee lad.
Amazon has become one of my favorite places to shop and not because you can run through the store while naked. How is that for an image you didn’t want/need/ 😉
Seriously, I like it because the selection is ridiculously large and easy to deal with. I don’t have to go crazy being dragged through a mall and deal with all of the mishegoss that comes with it.
What I like even better is the opportunity to use a Coupon to get a better break on the things I buy on Amazon. If I am going to spend some cash there anyway there is no reason not to try to save a buck.
And that my friends is the lead in to my reminder, you can get a shot at winning a $50 Amazon gift card by simply leaving a comment with your favorite Father’s Day memory.
As an optional entry you can also leave a comment and tell me what your favorite Amazon coupon code is.
What are you waiting for? Leave a comment. Tell a friend to swing by. Have fun, go wild and I’ll see you in the comment section. And if you are so inclined feel free to become a fan of my Facebook page.
kevin vandiver June 1, 2013 at 6:04 pm
You know what, every fathers days I tell everyone not to bother. I feel every day is fathers day! Lucky dude here!
Jack June 3, 2013 at 7:40 pm
Hi Kevin,
Sounds like a great attitude to have.
Dad of DIvas June 1, 2013 at 5:39 pm
For me, it was one of the fathers day when my oldest was 4 and she gave me a homemade tie… she is almost 9 and I still wear the tie today… I am looking forward to many more memories to come!
Brian Edsell June 1, 2013 at 5:25 pm
My first Father’s Day after becoming a father.
Amy Turner May 31, 2013 at 11:37 pm
I remember how my father had to overcome his fear of flying just to visit me when I had my first child. I knew it was a hard one for him, and I really loved him for that. He stayed with us through Father’s Day and we had a great celebration for him and hubby. That was two decades ago but the memories are still so vivid like it was yesterday.
Betsy Cross May 23, 2013 at 2:43 am
Myfav Father’s Day was last year. Somehow I knew it was the last one w/ my dad. 🙂
zoe May 23, 2013 at 12:02 am
Yesterday was the anniversary of my dad’s death. I think the Father’s Day I remember most was the one following that day. We had others but that one was so difficult. I remember going to the store and looking through the cards. I dont know if I was testing my grief meter or what. I went to the cememtary. His head stone wasnt in yet and there was still a mound of dirt with newly sprouting grass. As a gift, I planted a few stray wild flower seeds and went back to find him decorated the following weeks. Of course there were many father’s days before that that were great but this one makes me smile now because of all those little flowers. It was like our little secret.
Jack June 1, 2013 at 4:44 pm
Hi Zoe,
I can’t imagine what that was like, but I am sure it had to be hard. Those flowers sound like a a great decoration. I suspect my daughter would do something similar. It is quite fitting to me.
Hope things are well.