Confession: there probably won’t be any stories about sexual conquests in blogging here. If you want to read that kind of thing you can find some of it over here or you sift through the posts here because sex is covered.
Yeah, there are posts here that talk about sex but I am not going to whip those out for you right now because I am in a different sort of mood. So those of you who weren’t scared off by the headline can take the proverbial walk with me and share some time.
But before we do that I need to apologize to those of you who comment on a regular basis. You have been great at supporting me and I am grateful for it but I haven’t been real good at responding. Just been caught in my world so I have been slow to get to them. My apologies.
Social Media Is About Engagement
I often talk about how there is no single way to be successful in social media but also say that engagement is the secret sauce. Engagement is what makes this bus fun to drive and that is where the real magic happens.
It used to be something I was really good at. I read lots of blogs and commented all over. It was easy. It was fun and it didn’t impinge upon my ability to do other things.
But that is past. That is not working for me now and I am not sure why.
Maybe it is because work is taking a ton out of me. It is a good thing. I love what I am doing and I look forward to being there, but I am devoting a ton of energy to it so maybe that is why I am not getting it done like I used to.
Or maybe it is not.
Father’s Day Is Coming
Father’s Day is coming and I am not going to spend it with my kids. It is funny because I am not the dad who gets worked up over Father’s Day. I like spending time with the family but I don’t have to have a special day for that.
But I am very conscious of it because I can count the number of days I have spent with my children on two hands and maybe a foot. That is since January 31st, that is.
I can tell you that I moved because of work and that it was the right move, the smart move, the one to make for all of us. I can tell you this isn’t forever and that one day the kids will appreciate what I did.
But I didn’t do it so that one day they could thank me. I did it because I am their father and we do what we can to provide the best life we can for our children.
This isn’t a situation of good intentions gone bad either. This was and is the right move.
Nonetheless I miss those little buggers.
Things I Never Miss
I never missed school performances, soccer games and all of the other stuff that kids do. I was the dad that was always there middle of the day and after hours. I didn’t miss any of those things, even the awful performances and let’s face it, some of it is awful.
Sometimes you go to a school performance and you know you are going to be bored out of your mind. You know you are going to have to deal with some obnoxious parent who insists on standing up to photograph or videotape the performance regardless of whose view they block.
You know you are going to have to work late or bring work home but you do it because that is your son/daughter and you don’t want them to be the only one without a parent at the show.
Well, I know that my kids haven’t had to deal with that. There is always someone there, but I am not someone. I am dad and I missed a bunch of those.
Sometimes doing the right thing is hard.
One More thing
Have you read When Blogging Became a Popularity Contest? If not I would sure love it if you did and while I am asking a favor I probably should ask you to become a fan of TheJackB Facebook page too.
I appreciate your time. See you in the comments.
This post is going in my book. No kidding.
Woohoo! I am famous!
It’s wrong that my daughter is graduating Middle School on Thursday night in what promises to be a painfully long and boring ceremony in which I won’t be able to see her behind all of the iPads and so I’d really rather be at the Kings game, right? Just checking.
I’m sure your kids know how much you want to be with them.
Hi Bridget,
That Kings game is going to be huge, potentially. A sea of iPads, now who thought we would ever have a day where it was appropriate to say that. 😉
I want my five stories of sexual conquest!! I am just kidding. You are doing a great thing by working and providing for your children. I hope that someday they will appreciate it and understand it. Being continually engaged in the blogosphere I have found is quite tiring and takes up a lot of one’s time. Someday you will get back to it.
Happy Father’s Day when it comes around.
Hi Sebastian,
Life gets busy doesn’t it. Sometimes we have to prioritize and just cut back or adjust our time commitments a bit. Hope you are having a great day.
I was always the kid without a parent at the function. Not for any decent reasons. So I feel for you especially approaching father’s day. I think if I had to look back and know my parent didnt make it to some big deal for me because of physical distance made in sacrifice– it would be different.
Re your favor…I almost left a comment on the other entry…I am not typically a total dolt but I just dont get the popularity contest thing. I’m not sure why…Sorry. Dont do Facebook and do get your newsletter which I really look forward to. And no worries re the commenting. I dont know how others feel but when you show up its great and if you cant squeeze the time or energy, I assume like myself you do what you can or feel is important to do. Happy Father’s Day…Sorry you cant be with the “little buggers.” Z~
Hi Zoe,
No worries. There is no obligation to comment unless you really want to.
I remember being a kid and having one or two events where no one made it. I am pretty sure I knew in advance it was going to happen, helped a bit but I can’t remember how much or how little.
We just do the best we can and go from there I guess.
no worries….no obligation felt…just wanted you to know I love your site and would if I could.