Well Hung Bloggers Make More Money

car fans III

Let’s preface this with it is never wise to Poke The Bear, Irritate Grumpy or Wake The Curmudgeon. And yes I am referring to myself and no you won’t see me in the picture or for that matter any of those cars.

Hell, unless I win the lottery you aren’t going to see me driving one of them new fangled, fancy race cars because I have kids and I am more interested in feeding and clothing them than owning one of those cars.

If I did win the lottery I would definitely buy a car  or two for me because I like cars and I like driving so might as well have something fun. But the caveat here is that I own the car, it doesn’t own me.

What that means is that I have be in a financial position where I am willing to park it without worrying about whether it will be stolen, dinged and or damaged.

Writing For The Sake of Writing

I am a writer and I write for the sake of writing and not because I hope that every brand will pay me to sell their products. I am a writer and I write because I don’t know how not to write.

I write, I write, I write and then I write some more. It is why I have multiple blogs, several lap tops and lots of pens and paper. Writing is like breathing for me and I expect that when I stop writing it will be because I am what the boys used to call a ground monkey.

Don’t ask me what that means or to explain its origin because I am not sure and though I love etymology don’t have time or inclination to look that one up.

Too busy trying to take care of moving my stuff from the current temporary location to the next temporary location. Love being a nomad but unlike my younger nomadic years I own a few nice things so I have to pay attention to making sure they stay that way.

That is part of why you haven’t seen as many posts here, life has taken me elsewhere but I never stopped writing.

Yet I can’t escape the daily dozen posts about how to monetize the blog, how to use a list to make money and all the triple chaser of “do this to be a better blogger who people love and want to be.”

Pay Me To Write Or Write To Pay Me

Don’t misunderstand me, you can pay me to write. I have written for brands and I will do so again. Don’t mind getting paid for a blog post provided it is profitable.

Those last three words are of paramount importance and many bloggers miss them.

I don’t work for free and I get irritated with those who do because they devalue my work. Don’t tell me everyone needs to start somewhere which is why you will put in 100 hours of work  for a $10 gift card.

Most of you are probably smart enough to know better and I am sure you wouldn’t agree to be my sex slave because I told you I would bring you another five readers. On the other hand if you are someone who puts out for promises that no one can keep I might want to talk to you, never know when I can use the stress relief.

Want to know what write to pay me means?

It means that I write because it feeds my heart and satisfies my soul. That is not hyperbole. I don’t love everything I write because some of it is crap, but the only way you improve is by doing it on a regular basis.

Teach Your Children Well

Sometimes my kids ask me how they’ll figure out what they should do when they are grownups and I tell them they have to give life some time to help them see what makes them happy.

If you are lucky you figure it out early and go from there. It doesn’t always work like that and sometimes you have to spend some time living a little bit before you recognize what does it for you

Blogging is what helped me remember how much I loved to write and for that I will always be grateful. Writing is like my air and part of why I just don’t get crazy about whether I am the blogger who monetizes my blog or not because I won’t ever stop.

Hope my kids feel like this about something some day.

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