Are You The World’s Greatest Dad Blogger Or Content Marketer?

12 segundos de oscuridad

If I was a smoker today would be a 5 pack or more day. Too much going on, too little time to get it done in and more stress and worry than is needed or necessary.

So I turned on RainyMood and thought about whether I should reference the Sock Monkey post or not. Mulled over whether to share The 132nd Best Posts About Blogging and decided not to because my body may be at the computer but the mind is elsewhere.

My oldest is on the verge of turning 13 and is halfway through middle school which means that I am going to blink and have a kid in high school  and  another in middle school.

It means that I am several life experiences ahead/behind you. Kind of an interesting time of life. Depending on who I talk to I am an old man or a young kid who is about to hit middle age.

Does that make me the World’s Greatest Dad Blogger or Content Marketer?

I Don’t Know

I don’t know how to answer that question mostly because it doesn’t really matter much to me. What do I get from either of those titles?

If they don’t come with a stipend or additional peace of mind I don’t think I really need them. Sure it is nice to have a title but at the same time a title is just another label and I hate being labeled.

People keep telling me how busy they are and all I can think is…”so am I.”

Ok, that is not entirely true, I also think “you have control over how you choose to spend your time.”

Most of us don’t have complete control because unless you are independently wealthy and have no rug rats roaming around you have work/life responsibilities that you have to attend to.

Yet you have some influence about how many activities your children are involved in and how many things you volunteer for. The point is that with very few exceptions I am not interested in hearing how busy you are because we all have the same 24 hour day to use.

Rest assured that if I ever figure out how to create the 32 hour day I will make sure you have access to it. However I may have to do that from hiding because some people aren’t going to appreciate having an extra 8 hours of time for work.

About Blogging and Social Media

I have read 839,839,983 posts about bloggers who have published a book on blogging and almost every time I read one I shake my head and think it is ridiculous that someone who has virtually no blogging experience would write a book like that.

Don’t know why it bothers me. There is no law that says you have to have done XYZ before you can write a book but still I look at your post and roll my eyes at it.

Roll my eyes the same way I do when someone tells me how bad Triberr is. I’ll agree that Triberr is part of the reason why Twitter has become more of a broadcast channel but I’ll point out how it has helped me monetize my blog.

Yeah, I have made money from this blogging gig. It is not enough to buy a house but I have earned enough to cover all of the standard blogging fees and had enough to buy real stuff.

Why is that important?

It is important because it is tied into all of the goals/objectives I have for blogging. I really am one of those people who can say blogging changed my life in a positive way.

I don’t know what metrics you use to determine whether your blog is successful or if it is a good use of time but I can tell you that this is one of those things that has exceeded my expectations and that it continues to bring joy into my life.

So when push comes to shove I am happy to watch doubt fall into the river because I don’t need any of those labels to make me feel like I have made this blogging thing into something special.

It works for me and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

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