How To Watch The Olympics


If you are among the loyal and devoted readers you know that one day you might read about The Dad Who Won A Gold Medal At 50.

In theory I’ll be standing on the pedestal singing along with the Star Spangled Banner, but as a pragmatic realist it is possible you might see me representing some smaller, less well known nation. Might be the great nation of Shmataville or Lower Grapevinia, can’t really say for certain.

It is contingent upon what gives me the best chance of getting into the games because if you don’t win you can’t play. Excuse me, I meant if you don’t play you can’t win. My apologies for that, I got excited and lost in a moment.

Anyhoo, I wasn’t in the games this year so I spent more than a few hours at home watching many of the competitions. That included one hell of a shindig yesterday that included lots of chips, pizza, assorted desserts and  a Hard Party Kit courtesy of Mike’s Hard Lemonade.


Some of you who follow me on social media might have noticed an exchange of banter with various Canadians regarding what the US would do to Canada in both mens and womens hockey.

You might have seen comments where I told the Canucks we didn’t fear their attack penguins and that we weren’t worried about their polar bear cavalry because we were going to take them out the woodshed.

Well it appears that we slipped on the ice and were handed our hats so I have to congratulate them on playing some great hockey, so good that we watched the games live and then again a second time.

In fact we had so much fun we watched the Gold medal match and cheered on for our beloved Canada. Did I mention my paternal grandfather was born in Canada?


Bottom line: we had a ton of fun gathering the family and friends together. I’ll be sorry to see the Olympics end, I never grow tired of them.

You can share your own photos of your own Olympic Moments with Mike’s for a chance to win GO USA party gear. All you have to do is share your photo on Mike’s Facebook Page ( or tag Mike’s with your photo on Twitter (@mhl).

Per FTC guidelines you need to know that I was provided with compensation for this post. It did not include any Gold, Silver or Bronze medals because one day I am going to earn those on my own or I’ll just write one hell of a story about it but I digress… 😉

Thank you again to Mike’s Hard Lemonade, we had a lot of fun.

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