The Sweetest Sleep Meets Storytelling

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  1. Stan Faryna September 16, 2014 at 4:39 pm

    $200 to $300 microphone would be a good investment. Pop filter and mic stand is recommended. Getting as close to a warm, natural sound is a big plus.

    If you had a Mac, I’d recommend Apogee’s MIC and for software, Garage Band.

    PC people tend to go for Yeti mics. No idea what they are using for amateur software. Ask @yogizilla, he has a PC. He’ll be more than happy to share his thoughts with you.

    Intros and music – that’s some steps down the garden path. Music is a big pain in the …

    Because of copyright, so if you want music, you should consider commissioning covers or finding licensable music if you feel the need for more kapow. I’m not one to recommend breaking Ten Commandments (misusing/stealing music) for a little fizzy in social media.

    You could prolly get some decent music made for you for $100 via fiverr.

    Myself, I’m looking for an artist to redo, I need a hero,with some modifications to make it more specific to a Doctor Who theme.

    • The JackB September 17, 2014 at 4:21 pm

      I have been playing around with picking up a Mac. At the moment cash flow is nil so all this talk is just pie in the sky. But I am filing it away, no reason not to take steps later on.

      • Stan Faryna September 17, 2014 at 4:28 pm

        If you are a gamer, stick to PC boxes. Not to mention PCs are cheaper. My next computer will be a desktop PC box. For gaming. 🙂

      • Yomar Lopez September 25, 2014 at 12:38 pm

        A budget setup would be an Audio-Technica condensor mic or Blue Snowflake. There are ways to raise the funds or have it pay for itself. If you want help podcasting or a network to feature your content through, drop me a line bud! Sounds good so far!

        • The JackB September 26, 2014 at 2:35 pm

          @yomarlopez:disqus Looks relatively reasonable to me, if only I didn’t have family obligations. 🙂
          I’ll keep you posted. I am making a note here for when I have a couple extra bucks.

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