Humping, Cars, Tools & Technology

1977 Chevy Camaro 01

I had a ’77 Camaro that was a lighter blue than this one. I miss it.

Audio blogging has been one of my favorite tools for building engagement with readers.

Those of you who have been around for a while know I first got into it when Blogger had their partnership with Audioblogger circa 2004-06 or so.

Back then if you embedded voice into your posts it made you really cool. Today it just makes you a regular blogger.

Anyhoo when Audioblogger went the way of the dinosaurs I spent time searching for and trying out a variety of alternatives.

A few years ago I started using Audioboom (previously Audioboo) for my audio blogging and overall I have been pretty happy with it with one exception.

The Android app was awful so I couldn’t do any sort of mobile audioblogging using the platform but that changed today.

I downloaded the new and improved Audioboom app for Android because I wanted to see if it provided a significant improvement over the old app or not.

The post below was recorded on my Galaxy Note 4 using the new app. The quality of the recording is far superior to what was rendered using the prior app.

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  1. Kristen Miller Hewitt February 25, 2015 at 10:53 am

    I love hearing your voice and getting to know you better! And no….I never thought about the word hump until now…must be a guy thing!

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