What Will The Force Awaken?

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Hasbro. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

Confession: I have mixed emotions about Star Wars.

Some of it is because of How Some Star Wars Fans Kill The Movies and some of it is because of the commercialization of it all.

There is a part of me that wonders if we really need to monetize the magic and another that says I am taking some of this too seriously and that monetization isn’t automatically a bad thing.

Especially if that monetization leads towards more opportunities to do things as a family.

What Will The Force Awaken?

My teenager has already decided that the Steiner men are going to see the movie for his birthday.

Months ago he told everyone that he expects my dad and I to take him to see the film and that he doesn’t want anyone his sister, mother or anyone else to go, just us.

He says he made the decision based upon how I first saw the movies but if you read the link above or any of the other posts I have written about Star Wars you know that his understanding isn’t entirely accurate.

It wasn’t just my dad and me at the drive-in, my mom and sisters were there too.

Truthfully I kind of like the idea of just the three of us going and doing some more bonding, but I don’t have to think twice to tell you the ladies are not going to be happy about this.

I figure that when STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS opens in theaters on December 18 we’ll probably be at the theater, but the question is whether it is just the men or as a family.

Truth is I am happy to do either, but my son is really pushing for just the men so I am trying to figure out what the best option is for us.

Given that my kids are starting to hit ages where they are more focused on spending time with friends and less with family I pay even closer attention to trying to do things that help us spend family time but give them the freedom to hang out with their friends.

Cue family game night and family time in general as something that won’t solve the problem but might help a bit.

It is why when I was asked if I was interested in participating this game I said yes.

When I saw some of the new Hasbro line of toys they are releasing to showcase the characters and vehicles from the new film I figured it would be easy to convince my Star Wars loving son to try them out with us.

What I didn’t expect was that some of these would lead where they did.

BOP IT! STAR WARS R2-D2 Edition Game

BOP IT! STAR WARS R2-D2 Edition Game


Electronic Catch Phrase STAR WARS Edition Game


STAR WARS Loopin’ Chewie Game

The Good Kind Of Screaming

The good kind of screaming refers to the kind that comes when kids are having fun and they are not yelling in anger but laughing.

That’s what is happening below, the 11 going on 30-year-old girl is laughing because in her words she is “kicking dad’s butt” at the BOP IT game.

Truth is she and her brother gave me a decent run for my money there but you won’t hear about that happening with the trivia game because I held my own there.

And old Loopin Chewie, well that was a mix of moments there. Let’s just say you win some and you lose some, but dad wins more often than he loses. Heh Heh.

If you want to throw your own Star Wars game night you ought to think about entering the Hasbro Star Wars Giveaway.

Please note: *I-C will randomly select 5 winners from all program entries and will handle fulfillment of the winning prizes.

And if you want to know what happens with the movie, well I can tell you I keep watching the trailer below, damn I love this.

How cool is it to hear Han Solo say, “it is true, all of it.”

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  1. Mitch Mitchell November 11, 2015 at 8:09 pm

    I’m not going to participate in the game thing since I have almost no friends and no games. lol However, I wanted to say that I’m looking forward to the movie, regardless of what I thought of the last 3. Actually, I didn’t hate all of them as much as everyone else. I didn’t like a lot of the first of the 2nd three movies. The worst thing about the last two was Hayden Christensen; remove him from the movies and I actually think they were pretty good. The only scene he was in that was worth watching was the final scene in the final movie fighting in the lava and getting himself burned up… does that sound mean? lol

    • Jack Steiner November 12, 2015 at 10:00 am

      Not mean at all, it sounds honest. He was really rough, could have used some real polish.

      I thought the prequels had a few highlights, but they didn’t hold up to the first three because I was a kid when I saw them. They are legendary in my mind.

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