5 songs that are stuck in my head. So here they are:
Hotel California: The Gipsy Kings
Maybe I’m Amazed- Paul McCartney
The Letter- Joe Cocker
Suspicious Minds- Elvis Presley
Ghost Riders In The Sky- Johnny Cash
If you spend any time reading the blog then you know that I can’t pick just five, so here is another set just because:
Chiri Bim- Craig Taubman
Love Reign O’er Me- The Who
Knock The Cover Off of The Ball- Soundtrack from The Natural
Lux Aeterna- Clint Mansell
More Than This- Roxy Music
And yes I have been listening to Don’t Stop Believin, but then again Journey’s greatest hits is already loaded on my iTunes. If you are of a certain age it is a virtual guarantee that your sister/girlfriend whatever would go nuts every time Faithfully came on the radio.